Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Question H

Well this documentary was disturbing to me. How many people were killed, stabbed and ridiculed just because they wear a turban and has resemblance to Bin Ladin. I know after 9/11 so many people fled back to their countries from US because they feared that all this would happen to them as well. Few brave hearted people like Sodhi’s family stood there to tell that we are peaceful people and want to live in peace and harmony. Valerie mentioned that we relate ourselves as an American since our fathers and grand fathers lived here for a long time. We have worked for America all our lives and we are also Americans.

I am not a Sikh but I can relate myself to them more as a Punjabi and a human. I speak the language they were using in this documentary. I was surprised by the hated comments like “why don’t you go back where you came from” or “you are going to get what you have given us” also “the way to live a safe life in America is to get baptized and become a Christian”. Ten years now but 9/11 has changed not only life in America but the whole world. Talking about Sikhism I know it even though I am not a sikh, I knew Christianity even though I am not a follower of it. I believe every religion teach about peace and humanity. In my opinion one of the many reason of all these hate crime were ignorance and not knowing that there are some other faiths too outside America other than Judaism and Christianity. Islam right now is attacked the most and I feel that what some ignorant 19 people did on 9/11 the young kid was not the one to be blamed and ridiculed for it. The innocent question the girl asked why we are Muslims. She asked it because she herself does not relate to the identity of a Muslim what so ever is the world telling her. I myself don’t relate to the identity the world is trying to make about a Muslim. It seems like world has entered entirely in a different era after this dreadful day of 9/11 where many precious lives were lost.


  1. I also found it tobe disturbing and very sad. I don't think anyone should have to live in fear, especially not now not in the 2000's. Like you, my heart goes out to them. They did nothing, yet they are being treated like they new those who flew the planes and helped them plan it. I mean this is embarrassing to the United States. It especially made me feel bad when Balbir's brother said he convinced Balbir that the U.S. could offer a better life. It is just sad. Fortunately, people like you and me and everyone who is passionate about human rights can educate people the best we can to fight ingnorance and intolerance.

  2. I had such a hard time watching this movie. I couldn't believe that after such a catastrophic event..American's were basically being hunted down.

  3. This movie was also disturbing for me to watch. I can't believe how harsh, and cruel people can be in this world to anyone who is different than themselves.

  4. Oh wow, are you Punjabi? --> I know that was totally random, but I think it's super cool...and that isn't just because I have this obsession with India all of a sudden....or is it...hahahaha

    I agree with you though....that it seems like pretty much every religion wants the same stuff. I think the problem lies with the fact that every religion says they are the "true/right" religion and you will get to heaven, nirvana, paradise (whatever else there is...) by following that AND only that religion. People really believe in these ideas and it become very personal for them so when you attack their religion you are attacking the essence of that person.

  5. @ Heather
    haha!! I am laughing so bad lol so sweet :)

    I agree with your point that people really try to defend in what they believe which may not necessarily be the truth. I think it also holds true in every matter of life and not only religion. Well in case of religion it is seen as a more personalized attack.
